1) Establish a personal relationship: These students are not going to respect you just because you are a teacher. You must earn their respect. You do this by treating them as people of worth. Talk to them and care about the answers they give you. Their self-worth does not come from what they do academically. Ask them about non-academic interests. All kids have something they are interested in and knowledgeable about. Find out what it is and make it a point to talk to them about their interests every week.
2) Show them they are an important part of the class: As you learn more about these kids you can use this knowledge to your benefit in the classroom. If you know that a student hates being stuck in one place let him be your runner, whether getting things in the classroom or running messages to the office. Assume that the student will behave and do as you ask. This is a little tricky, especially when the student is showing you he isn't willing to behave. continue reading

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